
5 Tips to Boost Social Media traction

October 10, 2012

Everyone is talking about the power of social media for business. But not everyone is having the success they thought they would have.

Social media for business is still a relatively new phenomenon, and it is constantly evolving.

But the good news is that you can keep trying different strategies until you find a winning combination. If you don’t get it right first time, simply try something else—this is the beauty of marketing your products or services with social media.

To help you get on the right track to achieving social media success, get started with these basic techniques:

Post regularly
Make sure to update your social media channels on a regular basis. This shows commitment and tempts fans to come back often to see what’s new.

Vary your content
Don’t just post the same old message every time. Change things up on a regular basis to keep your message fresh

Ask questions
Get your audience and fans to interact by asking questions. Studies show that an engaged audience is more likely to be a purchasing audience.

Respond promptly to complaints
Allowing complaints that arise about your product on, say, Facebook can be a positive. Allowing complaints to be posted shows transparency, which people like. Publicly responding and dealing with a complaint fosters trust, and is a powerful call to action for potential buyers.

Offer rewards
Everyone loves a contest, and social media makes it easier than ever before to engage fans and keep them sharing your message. Prizes do not have to be expensive, and you don’t need to run a contest every week, either. Look at three to four contests per year, only.

Social media now routinely reaches more people than TV, radio or print. Put it to work for your business and begin building your fan base today.

Contact Adeo for more details, and help with your social media strategy.

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