Email marketing can be an effective online marketing technique if you go about it correctly, and avoid all possibility of spamming. In fact, a recent study conducted by the DMA or Direct Marketing Association shows that in 2008 alone, the ROI of Emails amounted to $45.06 for every dollar spent. That's a huge figure considering it is so easy to do.
However, you can only do a good email marketing campaign if you know how to get that email into the Inbox of your potential clients instead of getting it into their junk folder or spam folder. So, how can you achieve that and attain these high levels of income?
It is important to establish an email list. This will work only if your customers or clients actually agree to subscribe to a list, meaning that they want to see what you are selling or promoting. This is a huge bonus since your email won't be automatically deleted as spam or junk. In reality most unsolicited types of emails do end up in junk folders or spam files, even though they may have just what the customer is looking for. One of the more popular ways to develop this optin list is to buy one that has been generated by a marketing company. These lists are obtained through surveys and other forms of interest recording that allow the company to put together a detailed list of people interested in your topic or area. You simply buy the list from the marketing company and you have a ready to market to customer base. All people on the list have agreed to receive correspondence from you.
At Adeo Internet Marketing we create and manage email marketing campaigns. We use Constant Contact for opt-in email list delivery and for the first-rate tracking and reporting functionality.
Reporting statistics include:
Another priority before carrying out an email marketing campaign is to review your current website and make sure the content is pertinent to the message you are sending out. Your website statistics should be analysed before and after the email campaign. This will give you a clear indication on how successful your email campaign was.
Let us help you with your email marketing campaign. Contact us today!